You can create a whole business around NFT art, and this is how women are thriving in this industry.
Women Thriving in the NFT Industry

Entrepreneurs, brands, artists, and investors are embracing NFTs. And it is on the rise; this market has an expected net worth of $1 trillion. No wonder why we're all trying to be a part of it.
There's a lot of buzz around the non-fungible tokens (NFTs) space and how it grows each day—and the leading event NFT.NYC is the actual proof of that. This year, over 5,000 people attended. Even Quentin Tarantino, Gary Vaynerchuk, and Chris Rock were there.
And talking about famous people, Reese Witherspoon is also growing her NFT collection, and she's killing it on Twitter. She even got her World of Women avatar. Plus, she's joined the NFT conversation to help support and promote NFT artists.
Some people say the NFT space is an all-boys club, but we think it is more of an all-welcome club. A lot of women are joining the club. For example, Betty is one of the creative minds behind the Deadfellaz horde. One of the strongest Twitter communities of an NFT collection. And to be honest, she's one of many. Like Grimes, who sold USD 6 million worth of digital artworks as NFTs. And hopefully, there will be more updates and news like that one.
We rounded up some of the incredible women leaving their mark in the NFT space, and we wish we could gather them all on one list. But we have to start somewhere, right? So let's get to know these super talented and unique women.
22 incredible women you should be following
1. @ix_shells
Itzel Yard, from Panama, became the highest-selling woman NFT artist in June this year with her artwork "Dreaming at Dusk" sold for more than $2 million. She's creating a new ground for women in the generative art world and is now part of Sotheby's Metaverse.
Itzel taught herself coding and processing languages.

2. @betty_nft
Concept Creation and Community Lead of the Deadfellaz horde. Based in Australia, Betty is also the Co-Director of a Creative Production Agency serving global clients. Deadfellaz has one of the most robust communities, with over 35K followers on Twitter, and that number has probably increased by now. Betty promotes social change by supporting women and gender-diverse people through her work. Betty is definitely someone you'll want to follow for updates and to discover the top NFT projects.

3. @ykarkai
Yam is an NFT artist, illustrator, and founder of World of women NFT. She creates hand-drawn vector art and is one of the pioneers bringing women into the spotlight. With her NFT projects, she's promoting diversity and inclusiveness to the NFT space and trying to leave a mark herself with digital collectibles.

4. @lisacmayer
Lisa is the co-founder of bossbeautiesnft, a 10K NFT collection with the mission to make positive change for women everywhere. This collection provides access to exclusive virtual events. Boss Beauties is the first NFT known to be displayed at the New York Stock Exchange. On her Twitter account, Lisa shares her current projects and updates on different activities to support women and girls to become change-makers and design careers they love.

5. @NFTgirl
NFTgirl grew up in Venezuela with art all around her. She's the host of "The Joy of NFTs" show, a digital artist, and an NFT collector with more than 60k followers on Twitter. And she owns approx. 432 tokens. If you want to know what's trending in the NFT space, follow her.

6. @VjDeliria
Originally from Mexico City and now living in New York City, Alma Jimenez, aka Vj Deliria, is an educator, art director, and audio-visual artist. She is committed to supporting underrepresented communities throughout art and education. You can see more about her exhibitions, NFTs, and collections on her website.

7. @NylaCollection
Nyla is a 12-year old digital artist. She's the creator of Long Neckie Ladies, a computer-generated collectible of 3333 diverse women. Since March 2021, she has sold over 3,400 NFTs, and her collections have generated over 970 ETH; how cool is that! Nyla also created Long Neckie Fellas and Long Neckie Feelings.
Interesting fact: Her art and the long neck design are inspired by Nyla's favorite dinosaur, the brontosaurus.

8. @punk2476
Punk 2476 or Artchick, is an influencer and NFT collector. With her bold personality and straightforward style, she's someone you'll want to follow to catch some valuable tips and what's going on in the NFT community.

9. @pussyrrriot
Pussy Riot is a Russian art group and an art-activism movement. One of their founding members, Nadya Tolokonnikova, served two years in jail for a protest against President Vladimir Putin. Now, using the digital jail papers from her prison sentence in 2012, she's creating NFTs to change her story with her hand-drawn artwork. Pussy Riot has also destined part of the earnings to charities and to help victims of domestic violence.

10. @missalsimpson
She's been a real OG in the NFT space since 2019. Miss Al Simpson is an artist and writer from Scotland that has become a protagonist of NFTs. Her art is focused on popular culture and our society's vulnerability. CNBC, The Washington Post, and The Scotsman have praised her work and impact as an NFT artist.

11. @cypherchk
As she calls herself, this "anonymous blockchain babe" is the creator of 101 Babes and Encryptas, a series of 10,000 faceless chicks. Her art features women in colorful, bold illustrations with simple lines and anonymous characters with different stories behind them. Before becoming a visual artist, Cypherchk was a poet and creative writer. She's an artist that not only facilitates conversations for women around blockchain but invites them to the table.

12. @cryptostacys
For Stacy, the community is everything. She's the artist who brought to life Hunnys, with over 1 million unique combinations, and Stacys, collectible pixel-art NFTs. Stacy got into crypto in 2018, and she's a firm believer that the future of NFTs will be very promising—We agree.

13. @iris_luckysloth
Iris is the creative mind behind Lucky Sloths, an NFT collection of 2,700 unique hand-drawn adorable sloths. This NFT project keeps growing and engaging with their community and is now supporting real-world philanthropic causes.

14. @vanna_chu
Creator of CopyCats NFT Collectibles, the cutest 1/1 imposters you've ever seen. Vanna is a concept artist and character designer. Vanna is also a collector of SkullX, so you'll see a lot of that on her account as well.

15. @alphabettybooks
Cheryl Griffin is a children's book author and the artist who created the AlphaBetty NFT project. Cheryl's objective is to welcome kids and families into the blockchain world. Also, AlphaBetty raises funds destined for charitable causes, which was an action voted by token holders. This NFT collection is one more example of how NFT art can directly impact real-life and on helping others.

16. @AngelMelly
Angel Melly is a Youtuber, singer, gamer, and she still made some time to become the founder of AngelsOasisNFT, a collection of 8,888 diverse winged women living in the NFT world. Helena Jayne and Saria Arts work with Angel Melly to create these NFTs with over a million different combinations.

17. @izzakko
Izz Akkosia is a graphic artist and fashion designer from the Bay Area. She's 19 years old and is now sharing her colorful and expressive work to impact and empower the black community. Izz embraced her unique style and has now established her own business to share her creations with the world.

18. @surrealistshay
Making art since 2014, Shaylin Wallace is a surreal digital artist from Washington, Delaware. Her work has been exhibited in Genoa, Italy, Paris, France, & Porto, Portugal. She's won at least ten awards for her digital art. Some of her clients include Warner Bros, Netflix, Adobe, and AMC. Her NFT art is a combination of human figures, nature elements, and animals. Her compositions are a must-see.

19. @blakekathryn
Did you hear about an NFT collaboration with Paris Hilton? That's about Blake Kathryn. She is a very recognized artist based in Los Angeles. Her futuristic and surreal work expands across fashion, tech, and music. Some of her past clients include Lil Nas X, Jimmy Choo, and Adidas. Oh, and Paris Hilton's NFT was sold for over a million dollars.

20. @paloma_rincon_
Paloma Rincon is a visual artist focused on art direction and concept development. Some of her clients were Coca-Cola, Michelob, Playstation, among other global brands. Paloma's art is static and fixed. You can identify her work because of the vibrant colors and textures she presents.

21. @OfTheNightClub
Queens Of The Night is a collection of 7777 unique revelers of nighttime deviance that have found the ultimate dance floor on the ETH blockchain. As they say: The party mentality should exist EVERYWHERE—Including in the crypto universe.
This collection was designed and created by @Sauvignon_Blake, @courtneydisco and @sliztoonz. They’ve been hosting daily Twitter Spaces and making space for women in the NFT space.

22. @brigitte_paints
Teacher by day and artist by night. She's a self-taught artist based in Cape Town, South Africa. She works with different techniques like watercolor, pen and ink, pencil, charcoal, and gauche.
Brigitte is the creator of The Hippos. An NFT project of 10k algorithmically generated attitude-filled hippos. This project aims to grow the Hippoverse and create a thriving and inclusive community where there is always room to squeeze in one more.
Fun fact: Brigitte was teaching children a lesson about wild animals. She read a story about a hippo with an aversion to bathing. That stinky hippo caught her attention and inspired her to create The Hippos collection.

This is just the beginning
Anne Zhilyavea from France, Jenisu from Japan, Gala Mirissa from Spain, and Krista Kim from Canada, are other women artists leading the NFT space. From Zhilyavea performing on The Louvre in Paris to Krista's first piece sold for $500,000, women have a lot of opportunities in this new digital world.
At Bueno, we want to create and support a community of people working in the NFT space. We know women artists, influencers, and investors are interested, involved, and, most importantly, ready to be an essential part of this industry.
If you know someone who should be on this list, drop us a line, and make sure to tag @buenonft so we can find them. We'd love to meet more amazing people and help the NFT community grow.