
Try free before you pay!
Art Generator
Art Generator
Start free — no upfront cost!
0.00009 ETH
per token
Unlimited collections
Unlimited & free IPFS
Top-tier customer support
Easy-to-use, self-serve dashboard
Price Calculator
Pay only for what you use, based on your collection size. To discover how affordable it is, pick your collection size for a quick estimate:
0.00009 ETH / token
1000 tokens
0.005 ETH
~ $0.02
Start Free
Smart Contract
Deploy for free. Only pay if you sell.
of primary sales
no hidden fees, no cuts from your secondary sales royalties.
Secure & reliable multi-chain deployer
Significant gas fee savings
Top-tier customer support
Easy-to-use, self-serve dashboard
Calculate your revenue
Our minting calculator helps you understand how much revenue you'll get from your drop.
Try Now
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Start Free
Deploy for free. Only pay if you sell.
of primary sales
no hidden fees, no cuts from your secondary sales royalties.
Secure & reliable multi-chain deployer
Significant gas fee savings
Ready-to-go drop page
Top-tier customer support
Easy-to-use, self-serve dashboard
Start Free
Start free today
Unlimited entries
Unlimited forms
Verify token ownership
Validate Discord server & roles
Top-tier customer support
Start Free

Why choose Bueno?

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Out-of-box art generator—e.g, rarity control, multi-character support, custom tokens, metadata
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Advanced multi-chain smart contract—e.g, embeddable mint button, allow list, per-wallet & transaction max., lazy minting, delayed reveal
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Custom mint pages
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Unlimited and free IPFS
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Self-serve dashboard to update your contracts on the fly
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Forms to gather collectors’ data for allow lists, events, and surveys
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Invite team members to collaborate
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NFT-compatible 2D world builder
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Customer support for everyone
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Got questions?

What payment methods do you accept?

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Currently, we only accept Ethereum. However, we're exploring options to support credit card payments. Stay tuned for updates!

Do you offer discounts for non-profits or students?

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We don't offer discounts for non-profits or students at the moment. But we're open to discussions! Contact us at

Can I get a refund on gas fees?

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Gas fees are part of performing a transaction on the blockchain and go to network miners, not us. Therefore, we can't refund them.

What happens if I made a mistake with my art generation? Will I have to pay for a new one?

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Mistakes happen! If you saw an error on your tokenset after paying for your generation, don't worry. Contact us, and we'll help you out.