コンテキスト ラインJPNORD - SLABS

Created by jpnオーダー

コンテキスト ラインJPNORD - SLABS

Welcome to the Genesis collection of JPNORD, 333 unique slabs leading you to the Ordinal marketplace alongside JPNORD.


Once the Ordinals infrastructure becomes easily accessible and user-friendly, you will have the opportunity to swap your ETH token for a BTC Ordinal, unlocking access to this extraordinary NFT experience.


This art takes the form of separated slabs, which are arranged in a way that creates a visually compelling composition. By designing these rectangles by hand, the artist is able to infuse each piece with a unique character that cannot be replicated by a machine.


Each piece of the collection will be securely imprinted on the indestructible Bitcoin blockchain, with the imprint order determined by your token ID.


2% royalties, cc0.