Duck Life Chain 🦆

Created by Duck Life Chain

Our story:

This is a collection of very beautiful ducks implemented on the Web 3 platform.


You hatch one of these ducks and take their life as a pet.


A pet must not be physical, sometimes diversity is good in life. By buying an NFT, you will own a digital pet that lives in your home. Its place of residence is in your smart device (phone, laptop, etc.)


In the application dedicated to ducks, you can do daily activities and raise your ducklings. Breed your male and female ducks together and get another duckling with different genes.


You can also earn from this platform. Buy ducks at the lowest price and sell them at much higher prices by leveling them up.


You can also earn money from your daily activities. It all depends on how much you care for your duck. This creates a life chain of digital ducks on the blockchain. This project is implemented on Metaverse and web3 and is inspired by pou and CryptoKitties projects.


Stay with us, good things are going to happen.



Price and sales phases:


Phase 1: 500 duck – 0.078 ETH

Phase 2: 500 duck – 0.098 ETH

Phase 3: 500 duck – 0.128 ETH

phase 4: 300 duck – 0.211 ETH

Phase 5: 100 duck – 0.321 ETH






Receive a gift by minting a duck according to the list below.


Mint 5 duck ➡️ 1 duck gift

Mint 7 duck ➡️ 2 duck gift

Mint 9 duck ➡️ 4 duck gift

Mint 13 duck ➡️ 6 duck gift


In phase 3 of the project, these gifts will be given to the owners of the ducks.