G coin whitelist

End date

Jun 26 at 6:45 AM

Max Entries

Registration is closed

Sorry, registration for Allowlist is currently closed.

Basic Information

Welcome to the G Revolution, by Good Empire.

This is an open whitelist for those of you who want to get in first on the launch of the $G.

If you're on the whitelist, you'll get a short window of exclusivity on launch, before we open up trading to everyone.



1. Download the Good Empire app and create an account: $ https://www.goodempire.org/$  

2. Follow Good Empire on Twitter: $ https://twitter.com/goodempire_$ 

3. Join the G Revolution telegram community: $ https://t.me/G_Revolution_Portal$  


We'd also love you to share word of the project, on twitter ideally, and help us reach enough of the right people to make this a success for all of us.


Additional Information

Fair token launch on PROOF platform.

Contracts audited by Solidity Finance.

Founder KYC audited by Assure Defi.

Total supply is 100M.

Taxes (5% buy, 5% sell initially) are split between:

  • donations wallet (for impact projects/partners)
  • ops wallet (for dev & marketing of project, team, and buybacks)
  • liquidity

Holders will also have voting rights in the DAO on impact projects to be funded from donations wallet.